LBC NEW BEER NEWS...Drink up our new brew “Zoku (Tribe) IPA” made with the very distinctly traditional Japanese Sansho Pepper 山椒)! This exotic spice is native to and is used in a variety of Japanese cuisine. What can we say about this brew…hmm…a fresh aroma & flavor combined with a pleasant sharpness. Weird & wild, love it or hate there’s nothing like it in Moldova!Chisinau, are you thirsty for a blend of exotic, traditional and modern brew!? We’ve got you!
LBC EVENT NEWS...09.11 Bands & Brews - Exercise in Democracy Possibly the last B&B gig of the year.Four, yes 4 flavors of bands to drink up.8 craft brews - 1 being brand NEW!All live & all local.On deck…WALK ALONE @realwalkalonecaps lock @caps_lock_hardcoreCEREBRAL ATTACK @cerebral.attackНИКОТИНОВАЯ ЗАВИСИМОСТЬ @nikotinovaya.zavisimost.bandDoors: 18:00 End: 22:00All ages - Bar w/IDArtists support 200 mdl (cash only)Indoor gig.NO OUTSIDE FOOD OR DRINK Bands & Brews Event link
LBC EVENT NEWS...19.10 Chisinau, are you thirsty for another Bands & Brews?
We got you!
At this B&B UNPlugged Session #2 you can soak up the sounds and drink in the chill vibe of local fan faves Hypnotical & Spotless!
Bands & Brews Event link